May 12, 2010

Arch Cape, February 2010

After getting hit by a car on January 19th, I spent several weeks "on the couch" recuperating.  The first hike I took after getting hit was a short, low elevation hike on the Coast, over Arch Cape.  I was so happy to get out!  Here are four photos:

First, I'm standing on a large stump.  The Coast Range is known (much like the Olympic Peninsula, which is very similar) as one of the best places in the world to grow big trees.  Big trees used to grow all over the state, but the record sized trees were often in the Coast Range.  Most of this has been clear cutted, but there are a few patches of public land that haven't been liquidated.  

On Short Sand Beach, there are a few small water falls.  


Here's a view of the beach.  Behind it is Neahkanie Mountain.  I hiked that one back in January 2008.  

We left as the sun was setting.  

Thanks for reading.


  1. You can always do more B & Ws for me! Glad to see you back in nature -- you look very happy to be there!

  2. Awesome shots and i really like these places. All of these pictures are superb.
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